When slapped with a criminal charge, most people get tempted to assume their own defense to save a few bucks. This may sound like a good idea, especially if you believe you are wrongfully charged. However, despite being innocent, you still need the services of a defense attorney to guarantee you a fighting chance.
A lot of people are not familiar with most of their state’s laws and statutes. You may have just broken the law because of lack of information or knowledge.
For instance, you might get charged with a firearm-related offense after accidentally violating gun laws without intending to do so. When such a thing happens, all you can do is seek the best defense, which will help you avoid conviction and keep your record clean.
A defense attorney offers many services; let’s take a look at what you can expect when you hire one.
What Services Can You Expect from a Defense Lawyer?
1. Case Review
Once you have appointed a lawyer to your case, they begin their job by learning as much as they can about the matter in question. They will need to sit you down and interview you about the case to get your side of the story.
At this point, you will be required to give as much detail as possible. This way, your attorney learns about the evidence which the prosecution may use against you and can come up with a good defense strategy.
2. Assessing the Evidence
A defence lawyer from a firm such as Kruse Law will be able to go through the prosecution’s evidence against you to make sure it’s acceptable and there are no mistakes involved. Once they analyze the evidence, they can determine how to work against it to fight your conviction.
3. Jury Selection
A lawyer is in a better position to select the appropriate jury for your trial. Because of their experience, they can note if a juror is biased or has any conflict of interest; if so, they can push for their dismissal.
4. Provide Professional Advice and Support
There may be things you don’t understand about the case or processes which your lawyer will have better experience in dealing with. They can keep you informed and updated about the case and the processes involved. Let’s say you are falsely accused and charged as a denver sex offender; you can hire a defense lawyer to guide you through the trial.
Because the conversations between you will be confidential, you can feel free to share your concerns without worry, and a lawyer may try their best to get the charges cleared or punishment reduced to a minimum.
5. Representative in Trial
Your defense attorney will handle your case in court, as well as the cross-examination of witnesses provided by the state. They’ll explain your account of events to the court and fight for your case, all in order to ensure the outcome of the trial goes in your best interest.
6. Attend to Plea Bargains
Your attorney will be in charge of handling plea bargains and negotiation processes that come with it. A plea bargain is aimed to reduce the sentence you would have received or reduce the number of charges against you.
With the help of a defense lawyer, you can attain a less harsh outcome with your case.
7. Offer Valuable Experience
The level of experience your lawyer has can add value to your defense against conviction. Their knowledge can be very helpful, especially if you have no prior experience dealing with criminal law.
Make or Break Your Case
Having a defense lawyer gives you a better chance of beating the case filed against you than self-representation. The benefits of hiring one clearly outweigh the efficacy of not having one.
Infographic Created By Zoukis Consulting Group – Dedicated Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer